Flights from Buenos Aires, Aeroparque to Iguazú

Flights from Iguazú to Buenos Aires, Aeroparque

Selection summary


Outbound flight*

Inbound flight*

* Prices subject to availability



Buenos Aires, Aeroparque - Iguazú

1:50 HOURS

14:00 HOURS

18:30 HOURS

Reference time of flight




Buenos Aires, Aeroparque


Travel reference time




Buenos Aires, Aeroparque


Travel reference time




Buenos Aires, Aeroparque


* Reference times.

About Iguazú

Puerto Iguazu is a city of a little over 80,000 inhabitants, with tourism being one of the main activities. The traveller can find all kinds of places where they can eat and sleep. Most of the major hotels are located on route 12 (which is one of the routes linking the city with the entrance to the Iguazu National Park, where the waterfalls are located), but there are also some in the city center. The good thing about staying in the center is the variety of bars, restaurants and shops in general. The good thing about staying close to the route is the natural environment and, in general, the larger pools.

About the airport

The Iguazu Falls International Airport is located 25 km from the center of the city in a strategic point called the Triple Border, because it shares borders with Brazil and Paraguay. It is located in a very popular tourist site for national and international travelers. It currently has flights to Aeroparque, Ezeiza, Salta, Mendoza, Cordoba, Rosario and El Calafate. It has internet services, telephone and transport such as taxi and remises (private cars booked in advance). There are 70 parking areas in total.

What to do Iguazú?

Although everyone comes to the city to visit the imposing Iguazu Falls, many times they wonder what else can be done and seen in Puerto Iguazu. You can go to Puerto Iguazu for two days and just get to know the waterfalls on the Argentine and Brazilian sides or you can spend a week and, in addition to rest, you can choose to do other activities. For example, the Hito de las Tres Fronteras at the three border crossing point, where the borders of Argentina, Paraguy and Brazil meet. It is a tour to enjoy nature and the views of the rivers Parana and Iguazu, a market selling handicrafts and a spectacle of lights, sounds and dancing waters around a small obelisk painted with the colors of the Argentine flag. It is an ideal tour to do at sunset. The wildlife refuge Güira Oga, the Guarani villages and the city centre are other attractions to keep in mind.

When to go? Iguazú?

The climate in the Iguazu Falls is subtropical humid, typical of the jungle. The summers are very hot whereas autumn, winter and spring have mild days, however it is important to keep in mind that during the winter months there may be chilly days, so it is a good idea to bring some warm clothes. In summer, temperatures can be quite hot. March, April and May are considered to be the best time to travel to the Iguazu Falls, as rainfall decreases and temperatures are more pleasant. However, those who wish to avoid crowds should try to find a date that is not Easter holidays or weekends.

Temperature and map Iguazú
